Ep. 79: Facing FM Challenges by Focusing on Our Strengths | Sue Thompson, CFM - AAA
March 6, 2018
Sue Thompson, CFM is a facilities professional at AAA Club Alliance/Mid-Atlantic Region, a dynamic presenter, and a life lessons expert who shares amazing inspiration on this episode of the podcast. Mike Petrusky asks Sue about her leadership philosophy and how she motivates her FM team to best serve the people inside of their organization. Sue has spoken to audiences across the country in her role as resident expert at Exceptionality, LLC, and she discusses some great resources to help us discover our strengths and shares the importance of focusing on them to grow in our careers. Mike and Sue offer real-life stories to inspire our FM community and talk about their time together last fall in Washington, D.C., helping to get the voice of our industry heard at IFMA’s Advocacy Day. They also have a few laughs and try to sing a classic folk song together!
Connect with Sue on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/suethompson/
Learn more about Sue: http://www.exceptionality.com/
Follow Sue on Twitter: https://twitter.com/lifelessons
Watch Sue’s keynote at IFMA’s World Workplace: https://youtu.be/Dsae1LP5r6c
Connect with Mike on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikepetrusky/
Contact Mike to share a comment or book him for your FM-related event in 2018: https://www.mikepetrusky.com/
Sign up to "Be an FM innovator!®" & get your FREE “Partnering for Excellence” E-book at http://kayrellconnections.com/