Ep. 77: “Workplace Evolutionaries” & FM Marketing Strategies | Jade Alberts
February 20, 2018
Jade Alberts is a workplace strategist and entrepreneurial business owner at Jade Alberts Consulting where he helps clients with their business strategy, brand development, and other marketing needs. Mike Petrusky asks Jade about his work at IFMA’s Workplace Evolutionaries (WE) Community and he shares what makes it such a special group of industry thought-leaders. Jade inspires the audience with three of his own original motivational quotes and tells some great stories about his interesting career and unique name. This conversation is certainly a lot of fun, but you will also pick up some great tips and insights that can be applied to your FM journey, no matter what role you play in the modern workplace. Jade also hosts a weekly “Facebook Live” show, which Mike believes is very brave of him, so the two join together in what might be the all-time best (or worst) edition of “FM Innovator Karaoke” ever!!
Connect with Jade on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jadealberts/
Join IFMA’s Workplace Evolutionaries (WE) Community: https://www.ifma.org/community/ifma-groups/group-details/workplace-evolutionaries-(we)-community-of-practice
Learn more about Jade:
Website - http://jadealbertsconsulting.com/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/jadealbertsconsulting/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/jade_a_consult
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/jadealberts/
Connect with Mike on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikepetrusky/
Contact Mike to share a comment or book him for your FM-related event in 2018: https://www.mikepetrusky.com/
Sign up to "Be an FM innovator!®" & get your FREE “Partnering for Excellence” E-book at http://kayrellconnections.com/