Ep. 72: Higher Education Programs in FM and Marketing | Dr. Roscoe Hightower - FAMU
January 16, 2018
Dr. Roscoe Hightower is Centennial Eminent Scholar Professor and Chair for Facility Management and Marketing at Florida A&M University in Tallahassee, Florida. Mike Petrusky asks Roscoe to share how his services marketing background informs his philosophy on facility management higher education, while he works to increase awareness of the profession and helps to make FM a career of choice. Roscoe discusses the unique approach of FAMU's programs as the university helps their students prepare for future leadership positions in global business. The importance of personal branding in our facility management community is essential and Roscoe shares his views on how individuals can bring value to their customers and be prepared to face the future of managing the built environment. Mike and Roscoe also talk about music, drag racing motorcycles and wisdom from "The Art of War" by General Sun Tzu (not Gordon Gekko)!
Connect with Roscoe on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/roscoehightower/
Learn more about FAMU School of Business & Industry: http://www.famu.edu/sbi
Find Dr. Hightower at FAMU: http://www.famu.edu/index.cfm?sbi&ProfileRoscoeHightower
Connect with Mike on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikepetrusky/
Contact Mike to share a comment or book him for your FM-related event in 2018: https://www.mikepetrusky.com/
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