Ep. 57: International FM Standardization & Professionalization | Stan Mitchell – Key FM
October 3, 2017
Stan Mitchell is CEO of Key Facilities Management International, the UK’s longest-established Facilities Management business and a globally-recognized FM pioneer. Stan has supported the FM community through his contribution to professionalizing the discipline, through roles including Past Chair of the British Institute of Facilities Management, and leading the development of FM’s first international standards. Mike Petrusky asks Stan about music, the Loch Ness Monster, and the huge implications of ISO 41001: FM’s forthcoming first International Management Systems Standard.
Connect with Stan on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stan-mitchell-80a2a92/
If you’re attending IFMA World Workplace 2017 in Houston, then check out Stan’s co-presentation on the new ISO Standards for FM on Friday, October 20, 2017, 9:15-10:15am at the George R. Brown Convention Center: http://events.ifma.org/worldworkplace/2017/profile.cfm?profile_name=session&master_key=26E9A5F3-DE04-1B56-EF2E-37B3A20AEF45&page_key=E119F176-0AB9-10F8-5223-761F0D4475F8&xtemplate&userLGNKEY=0
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Register for IFMA’s World Workplace 2017: http://worldworkplace.ifma.org/
Register for The FM Innovator Summit - Houston '17: www.fminnovatorsummit.com
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