Ep. 56: Business Continuity & Resilience | Maureen Roskoski - Senior Professional at FEA
September 26, 2017
Maureen Roskoski is a Senior Professional at Facility Engineering Associates where she focuses on promoting resilience and sustainability in existing facilities through consulting, presenting, and teaching. Mike Petrusky asks Maureen about the importance of planning before a disaster and the fact that increasing frequency of severe weather events requires us to be able to respond, recover and resume. More than just emergency preparedness, Maureen explains that we need to understand what resilience is and how to incorporate business resilience into our long-term planning efforts. Mike and Maureen discuss FEA’s long-respected reputation as a thought-leader in the facility management community and music playlists, while also laughing about their names and the TV show, “The Office”.
Connect with Maureen on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/maureen-roskoski-92963b16/
Learn more about Facility Engineering Associates: https://www.feapc.com/
Register for IFMA’s World Workplace 2017: http://worldworkplace.ifma.org/
Register for The FM Innovator Summit - Houston '17: https://www.fminnovatorsummit.com/
Sign up to "Be an FM innovator!®" & get your FREE “Partnering for Excellence” E-book at http://kayrellconnections.com/
Business Continuity & Resilience Resources:
Facility Managers:
FEA FMLink Articles on Business Resilience
Part 1 http://fmlink.com/articles/five-things-need-know-business-resilience-planning/
Part 2 https://fmlink.com/articles/operationalizing-resilience-facilities/
Organization Level:
ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management Systems
OSHA Emergency Action Plans
Small Business Administration http://www.preparemybusiness.org/
Community Level:
NIST Planning Guides
NIST Decision Making Guides
Resilient Virginia Resiliency Checklist
Incident Response:
NIMS 100 Course