Ep. 37: Creating Inspiring Workplaces | Jeremy Macdonald - Adobe
May 16, 2017
Adobe products enable people to create amazing things and inspire one another, and our guest today, Regional Site Operations Manager, Jeremy Macdonald, LEED AP, MCR, is on a mission to create amazing and inspiring workspaces so that Adobe employees can reach their fullest potential. Mike Petrusky asks Jeremy about his facility management role, what it takes to promote engagement in the workplace, and his thoughts about the future of FM. Branding and bringing the customer into the workplace is essential to success and Jeremy explains how he tries to create a workplace experience that "feels like" Adobe. We discuss transformational technologies that will impact facility management practices and improve the workplace with better communication, virtual and augmented reality applications, and other tools that will change the way FMs deliver services in the future. Mike also asks Jeremy about his favorite podcasts, movies, and for the first time, the guest turns the tables and asks our host a question!
Connect with Jeremy & read his workplace branding article on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeremydmacdonald/
Learn more about Adobe's #MakeItAnExperience Campaign & watch the video featuring Prince's "Let's Go Crazy": https://blogs.adobe.com/conversations/2017/01/lets-make-it-an-experience.html
Register for Mike's World FM Day webinar: http://fmcc-workplace.com/ifmafmcc-worldfmday-2017-liveslot1713-partnering-for-excellence-by-mike-petrusky/
Sign up to "Be an FM innovator!®" at http://kayrellconnections.com/
Find out how Kayrell can help you deliver your brand message: http://www.kayrell.com/